Allies or Enemies provide catered board game experiences for a wide range of events including festivals, corporate team building, conferences, parties, and more. Shawn has more than 20 years of experience hosting all kinds of events from small pub-quizzes to large comedy shows and can provide a professional, and fun, atmosphere for board game newbies and hobby enthusiasts alike.
Packages will be catered specifically for the event, but may include:
Large Group Games - These games can be played by all attendees at once. Shawn will host and provide all the supplies you will need. These can be cooperative games like Just One or competitive games like Green Team Wins. Expect simple rules anyone can follow, no skill barrier to entry, and a lot of laughing.
Catered Board Game Library - We will create a catered library of games specifically for your event. We have a personal library of hundreds of games to choose from, and are expert board game sommeliers. Based on the needs of your event we can curate the perfect selections for your guests.
Professional Board Game Teacher - Shawn will also be on hand to help teach games, and answer any questions as you go. Not only is he actually a licensed educator, he is also very good at explaining games quickly and engagingly. Even that one friend that never pays attention will be able to pick up the rules.

Pricing will vary depending on event location, size, and needs.
Please contact us for more details and to receive a quote. Email us at or fill out the form below. (ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE UK)